All elementary schools conduct student groups (clubs) that meet outside of the regular school day. Groups are formed in several ways.
- Teachers can lead student groups that are directly related to curriculum such as a math club. Other student leadership opportunities also exist such as Safety Patrol.
- Students can initiate a student group based on their interests, such as a debate and public speaking club. Student initiated groups are developed through an application process in October and require a teacher monitor.
- Many schools also offer activities through outside tuition-based vendors such as Sponge Language School.
- Finally, PTSAs can choose to form student groups. PTSA and outside vendors use the Facilities Use Process to acquire space for the student group to meet.
Schools may announce student groups through weekly bulletins, teachers’ newsletters and/or in school morning announcements. Families can find out about other student groups in Peachjar.
ASB Funding
Our school’s Green Team has evolved over the years. Currently, two teacher leaders run meetings every week for any fourth and fifth grade student interested in sustainability efforts. Apollo has a stable 30 or so members.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
Level One of the Green Schools Program: Achieved in May 2011
Level Two of the Green Schools Program: Achieved in May 2013
Level Three of the Green Schools Program: Achieved in May 2015
2015-2016 Sustaining Green Schools: Achieved in May 2016
2016-2017 Sustaining Green Schools: Achieved in May 2017
2017-2018 Sustaining Green Schools: Achieved in May 2018
- Apollo Elementary reached Sustaining Green Schools in May 2016.
- In the late spring of 2015, Apollo Elementary was honored to receive a Level Three Green Schools designation from the King County Green Schools Program
- For the Waste Free Wednesday Earth Day Challenge for April 22nd, 2015, Apollo had the lowest lunch waste amount for elementary schools in the Issaquah School District!
- Apollo has had a steady decrease in energy use since 2010 when the first Green Team was established.
- A thriving Green Team Club continues to meet once a week to produce a newspaper and work on promoting sustainability efforts within our school community.
- Water and energy conservation methods are practiced with signs posted in all common areas to remind staff, students, and parents to reduce waste of those precious resources.
- The school’s classrooms, MPR, and gym are all equipped with sensors that automatically turn off the lights when unoccupied for a certain amount of time.
- The Green Team shares the school’s energy usage with the school community and staff members.
- The Green Team shares reminders to reduce energy usage and waste with the school community and staff members via newsletter and e-Reviews.
- Staff and students are encouraged to dress appropriately for the weather rather than adjusting the thermostat settings.
- Energy conservation and composting tips are promoted through student visits to primary classrooms, lunchroom presentations, Green Week, and signage.
- All exterior doors remain closed and projectors are set on Eco Mode to reduce energy consumption.
- Green Team members make monthly conservation and recycling announcements.