Bus |
- Walk to bus line.
- Walk in line quietly.
- Enter the bus safely & quickly.
- Walk to bus line.
- Walk in line quietly.
- Enter the bus safely & quickly.
- Walk to bus line.
- Walk in line quietly.
- Enter the bus safely & quickly.
Hallway |
- Walk.
- Stay in line on the side.
- Keep hands & feet to self.
- Walk.
- Stay in line on the side.
- Keep hands & feet to self.
- Walk.
- Stay in line on the side.
- Keep hands & feet to self.
Lunchroom |
- Politely eat your own food.
- Stand in line quietly.
- Keep hands & feet to self.
- Respect those in line behind you by not taking or giving cuts in line.
- Welcome students to sit at your table.
- Focus on eating. Talk quietly only with students close to you at your table.
- Stay quiet and attentive during announcements.
- Be aware of possible allergic reactions; do not share food.
- Keep your table cleaned up.
- Do your lunchroom jobs like table washers and lunch basket carriers.
- Put trash and recycling in the appropriate containers.
- Walk at all times.
- Never throw anything in the cafeteria.
PE/Gym |
- Stay in the student spaces, respect that the gym office is not an instructional area; students should not go in the gym office.
- Lights will be turned on and off by the teacher in charge.
- Students are to be in the gym only with adult supervision.
- Take care of the equipment; put it in the proper place.
- Do your best work in PE.
- Proper shoes should be worn at all times.
Playground |
- Always show respect for others and settle problems peacefully using conflict resolutions strategies.
- Follow the directions of the playground supervisors.
- Say hello to the playground supervisors.
- It is advised that you do not bring any kinds of toys to school. It is disappointing when beloved toys are lost.
- Stay out of puddles and muddy areas.
- Tell the recess supervisors where you are going. Ask permission to leave the playground area. If you are sick or hurt, get a pass for the health room from the Recess Supervisor.
- Stay where you can be seen by an adult.
- Use the restrooms by the ball room.
- When the bell rings, quickly return all equipment and walk back to your line-up area.
- If the green sign is in the library window, students may go to the library using the side door nearest the playground.
- Return equipment to the equipment cart in an orderly manner at the end of recess.
- All students wanting to be involved in specific activities are to be included; there are no clubs or select groups.
- Always walk on the walkways, in the hallways, and on all paved surfaces.
- Play safely. No rough, aggressive, or dangerous play is allowed. No pushing, tackling, kicking, fighting, climbing trees, etc.
- Running is allowed only on the sand or grass field.
- Play safely on all climbing toys. No running around or jumping off or playing tag around or near the climbing toys or stumps. Only go down the slide or parallel bars.
- Play safely with all recess equipment. Balls may be kicked only on the fields, against the back wall – not in the covered area. You may bring balls and safe play equipment from home as long as the equipment is approved by a Recess Supervisor and it has your name on it.
- Don’t throw or otherwise use rocks, bark, sticks, pine cones, etc.
- Stay five giant steps back from the fence where the goats live. Do not touch or play with any animals at recess. This includes squirrels and birds.