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Parking and Traffic Safety

Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures

Before School Procedures

Campus is open to student arrival at 9:00 a.m. As students arrive, they will walk into the building and stand outside their classroom in line until the teacher greets them at 9:10 a.m. Students can also go to the cafeteria for breakfast when they arrive at school.

Procedures for Parent Drop-Off
  • Vehicles must stay in ONE line from Nile all the way to the parking lot- do not cut the line pulled to the right of the road
  • Pull all the way to the front
  • Drivers MUST stay in their vehicle while dropping off
  • Drive SLOWLY
  • Students should ONLY exit from the curbside of the vehicle.
  • Doors will lock at 9:15 a.m., if you drop off after 9:15 a.m., please drive to the main parking lot and drop your child off at the front of the school
Procedures for Walkers and/or Bike Riders in the morning
  • Playground gate will open at 9:00 a.m.
  • Playground gate will lock at 9:15 a.m.
Procedures for Bus Riders in the morning
  • Bus will drop off students in front of the school

After School Procedures

Procedures for Parent Pick-Up
  • Vehicles must stay in ONE line from Nile all the way to the parking lot- do not cut the line pulled to the right of the road
  • Pull all the way to the front
  • Drivers MUST stay in their vehicle while picking up
  • Drive SLOWLY
  • Students should ONLY enter from the curbside of the vehicle.
  • Remind your child to be on the lookout for you and to move all the way to the front of the pick-up line to get into the car
  • When exiting, DRIVE SLOWLY. YIELD to buses pulling out of the parking lot
Procedures for Walkers and/or Bike Riders in the afternoon
  • Playground gate will open at 3:40 p.m.
  • Parents picking up TK and Kindergarten walkers may meet students at the covered area
Procedures for Bus Riders in the afternoon
  • Bus will pick up students in front of the school
  • Students stand in line behind the cone that designates their bus route number
  • When the bus arrives, students will board the bus in a single-file line