School Improvement Plan
What is a School Improvement Plan?
A School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a strategic blueprint that schools use to enhance student learning and improve educational practices. It outlines specific goals for improvement, actions to achieve those goals, and methods for measuring progress.
Key Points of a SIP:
- Goals: Clear objectives the school aims to achieve to enhance student outcomes.
- Actions: Steps and strategies the school will implement to reach its goals, based on research and effective practices.
- Monitoring: Regular review of progress with adjustments made to ensure the school stays on track toward its improvement objectives.
The purpose of a SIP is to provide a clear roadmap for schools to improve educational outcomes for all students, particularly focusing on eliminating disparities and ensuring equitable opportunities for every student.
Every school in Washington State is required to have a School Improvement Plan.
Monitoring and Adjusting:
A SIP is not set in stone. It's reviewed regularly, with progress monitored against the set goals and activities adjusted as needed to stay on track toward improvement.
Visit the Issaquah School District SIP website to learn more about SIPs.
District - School Improvement Plans
Achievement Goals
- Apollo’s School Improvement Goal 2022- 2024, by spring of 2024, is that 75% or more of students will reach typical growth on the i-Ready spring assessment.
- By the spring of 2024, 60% or more of students in subgroups (MLL, Low Income, Hispanic, and Students with Disabilities) scoring below grade level will reach 80% of their target growth goal in i-Ready reading
Reflection on Previous Year School Improvement Plan
Guiding Questions:
- What actions were successfully implemented?
- What impact was observed (or not)? What evidence did you use to determine impact?
- How did actions impact disproportionality and/or engagement with families of disproportionally impacted population?
- What actions would you continue? What actions would you change? Why?
Apollo’s SIP improvement goal for 2021-2022 focused on Reading using the i-Ready assessment data to track improvement. The Apollo MTSS Leadership Team made a priority focus on the students who were below and significantly below grade level in reading. Title and LAP programs utilized the Really Great Reading, Benchmark Phonics and Heggerty curricula in their targeted small group(s) intervention program. In the classrooms, teachers utilized 30-minute “Success Block” structured time for focused word work and reading comprehension in small group and independent settings four times per week to improve students’ vocabulary and reading skills. Additionally, grade level teams identified a teacher to instruct the Really Great Reading curriculum as gap-closing intervention for those students whose fall i-Ready reading diagnostics score was below grade level but did not rank low enough for TLAP intervention.
Apollo’s academic and behavior intervention teachers serve on the MTSS Tier 2 team; providing input on academic data and student growth; which in turn gave specific diagnostic instructional targets and actions, through i-Ready data, for students’ reading growth. Overall, students did make gains in the academic strands of high-frequency words, phonics and phonemic awareness, while reading comprehension and comprehension from informational text and vocabulary continue to be areas of improvement focus.
Apollo’s 2021-2022 school improvement goal was for 80% of students, grades 1-5, to meet or exceed their typical growth via i-Ready diagnostics and 25% of students that were two or more grade levels below standard to meet or exceed their stretch growth. Through three diagnostics given in 2021 –2022, 69% of students met their typical growth and 31% met their stretch growth. Absences, due to the restrictions of COVID-19, made an impact on instructional consistency for students, which contributed lower-than-expected typical growth. Conversely, the percentage of students meeting or exceeding their stretch growth exceeded expectation and that is due to more targeted instructional material, time dedicated to targeted instruction through intervention services, and the ability to practice with i-Ready at home with continued support through educational technology applications.
i-Ready learning and diagnostic data is readily available for parents and students to view through students’ Clever pages, which has made an impact with regards to families’ knowledge and understanding of student work, progress, and learning strands. Additionally, providing Family Night Meetings dedicated to i-Ready programming, Guided Language Acquisition Development, as well as conducting Recovery Service Meetings and services during the school year contributed to the growth of students impacted by aspects of disproportionality.
Apollo’s 2022-2024 SIP Goals continue to be focused on reading improvement as targeted growth recovery and acceleration of students in disproportionality subgroups and who are not meeting standard (Multi-Language Learners, Hispanic, Low Income, and Special Education) being paramount.
Backed by Data
Schools use multiple data sources to inform their planning. Progress toward school improvement in overall achievement and disproportionality is monitored using state and district measures using a common School Improvement Data Dashboard.
School-Based Action Plan
Action | Implementation | Impact: Evidence/Monitoring |
Improving attendance of students in disproportionality sub group(s) |
Monitor weekly attendance: increase in % of days attended
Increase Apollo Leadership team to include Equity, MLL, Special Ed leaders, Ed Tech Leader and Tier 1 team members |
Action: Providing additional Tier 1 SEL lessons and support for student character growth with Character Strong’s “PurposeFull People” |
SIP Team & Final Review
- Principal: Jane Harris
- Site Council/PTSA Review Date: December 16, 2022
- Supervisor Review: Melinda Reynvaan, December 8, 2022
- School Board Review Date: February 15, 2023
Leadership Team:
- Alex Merritt, Asst. Principal & Student Support Lead
- Jessica Ferranti, Academics
- Hailey Woodbury, Student Support
- Jennifer Reuland, Academics
- Andrea Wolfe, Student Support
- Tiffany Henry, Academics
- Amanda White, Student Support
- Kristal Sherrid, Academics
- Angela Louser, Student Support
- Susan Carr, Academics
- Alyssa Wales, Student Support
- Emily Mitchell, Academics
- Courtney Mentzer, Student Support
- Erin Courtmanch, Academics and Special ED.
- Rebecca Kennedy, Academics and MLL
- Sarah Shero, Equity Lead
- Sydney Hall, Counselor
- Jennifer Quimbey, Academics and Specialist