Washington State Learning Standards
- Making Meaning (Comprehension Strategies)
- Fountas and Pinnell Phonics
- Benchmark Bookroom Materials
- Good Habits, Great Readers, Bookroom Materials
- Lucy Calkins's Units of Study in Narrative, Informational and Opinion Writing
- Handwriting Without Tears
- Eureka Math
- Problem Solving Skills
- Conceptual Understanding
- Computational Fluency
Social Studies
- Kindergarten: Myself and My Family
- First Grade: Families
- Second Grade: Communities
- Third Grade: Native Americans of the northwest coast, pioneer life, government
- Fourth Grade: Washington State and the Pacific Rim; history, geography, economics, and civics
- Fifth Grade: United States exploration, colonization, revolutionary war, and geography
- Highline and ISD developed science kits
- Life Science
- Physical Science
- Earth/Space Science
Grading Calendar
Semester Schedule 2024-2025
Semester One
- End of Semester – January 24
- Report cards available in Family Access – January 31
Semester Two
- End of Semester & Report Cards – June 23
- Last Day of School – June 23*
*Weather make-up days:
If school is closed during the school year due to inclement weather, March 14th will be the first make-up day. Additional school days will be added to the school calendar in June as needed.